Date and time
From 06/09 to 08/09
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
By investing in a poetics of performance, Ricardo Aleixo has formulated the Dendorí Scene (a portmanteau using the Minas Gerais dialect and Yoruba meaning “Inside the Ori”), which points to a vocal-graphic and body-graphic game, aiming to render the borders between the arts more relative. Building on this concept, the workshop The Dendorí Poetics: A Way of Performing proposes individual and collective exercises, informal conversations, commentary on videos and audios, and read-aloud sessions with writings from different times and cultures, with emphasis on Africa and the African diaspora. It aims to provide a living experience of building a “book-environment,” which the artist and researcher from Minas Gerais conceives as the art of intermedia performance. Target audiences for the meetings include professionals or students who are interested in these poetics and who are available to take on the practical part of the work (which involves intense vocal and body activities).
Register online from Aug. 21st to 30th through the app Credencial Sesc SP and at
Ricardo Aleixo is a poet, writer, visual artist, performer, actor, sound designer, and researcher. His works combine poetry, fictional prose, philosophy, ethnopoetics, anthropology, history, music, radio-art, visual arts, video, dance, theater, performance, and urban studies. He has published 20 books and received a Notório Saber title (renowned scholar) from the UFMG, which is equivalent to a doctoral degree. He has presented at the 35th São Paulo Biennial the performance cycle Dendorí; he is currently a visiting professor at the UFBA Language and Literature Institute in Salvador. In 2023, he received the Masters of Arts and Alceu Amoroso Lima—Poetry and Freedom awards, respectively, from Funarte and Candido Mendes University/Alceu Amoroso Lima Center for Freedom. He is the holder of seat No. 31 of the Minas Gerais Academy of Letters.
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