Estratagemas Desesperados. Foto: Matheus José Maria
Estratagemas Desesperados. Foto: Matheus José Maria


Amanda Lyra

MIRADA - Festival Ibero-americano de Artes Cênicas


Duration: 70 minutes


in-person activity


Place: Centro Espanhol de Santos

With distribution of tickets.

Date and time

From 09/09 to 09/09


3 p.m.

Estratagemas Desesperados. Foto: Matheus José Maria
Estratagemas Desesperados. Foto: Matheus José Maria

Preview performance of a show based on Latin American women writers who explore horror and violence in narratives in which women have agency. Avoiding pamphleteering and romantic interpretations, these authors explore characters that are far from the moral and cultural standards of femininity. They are women who devise ploys (albeit desperate) to survive and subvert the logic of power. The investigation is centered around the expressions of female rage in contemporary society, exploring the counterpoint between the passiveness of the ancestral domestic space and the desire of a violent fightback in the social realm. The performance will be presented after a residency at the CPT, Sesc’s Center for Theater Research. 

Amanda Lyra has a degree from the USP School of Dramatic Arts. She has conceived and played parts in the plays: Quarto 19 [Room 19], for which she has been nominated to several acting awards, Tragédia: uma tragédia [Tragedy: A Tragedy], and Uma História Radicalmente Condensada da Vida Pós-Industrial [A Radically Abridged Story of Post-Industrial Life]. She was also a guest actress in the latest shows of the company Ultralíricos, directed by Felipe Hirsch, and she played parts in Teoria King Kong [The King Kong Theory], directed by Yara de Novaes, and Mãe Coragem [Mother Courage], directed by Daniela Thomas. Estratagemas Desesperados [Desperate Ploys] is her debut as a director. 

Created based on short stories by Mariana Enriquez (Argentina), María Fernanda Ampuero (Ecuador), Mónica Ojeda (Ecuador), and Liliana Colanzi (Bolivia)
Conceived, directed, and playwriting by: Amanda Lyra 
Codirected and playwriting by: Juuar
Cast: Amanda Lyra, Carlota Joaquina, Nilcéia Vicente, and Stella Rabello
Movement direction and body training: Danielli Mendes
Lighting: Sarah Salgado
Soundtrack created by: Azulllllll
Lighting technician: Guilherme Soares
Sound technician: Tomé de Souza
Executive producer: Yumi Ogino
Production management: Aura Cunha | Elephante Produções
Creative collaborators | CPT_SESC Residents: Alanis Mahara, Alv Lara, Carolina Splendore, Celsim, Flora Camolese, Gabriel Viana, Giovanna Barros, Giulia Gadel, Lara Duarte, Laura Lufési, Letícia Bassit, Luciana Fróes, Luiza Moreira Salles, Maria Fernanda Batalha, Mariana Mantovani, Monalisa Silva, Nadja, Sofia Maruci, Sônia Ferreira, Tainá Medina, Tatiana Heide, Victor Salomão, and Vini Silveira  

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