Foto: Guilherme Martins
Foto: Guilherme Martins

O Estado do Mundo (Quando Acordas) (POR)

Formiga Atómica

MIRADA - Festival Ibero-americano de Artes Cênicas


Duration: 55 minutes


in-person activity

Place: Teatro Guarany

Recommended for ages 6 and up.

Foto: Guilherme Martins
Foto: Guilherme Martins

O Estado do Mundo (Quando Acordas)
[The State of the World (When You Wake Up)]

By putting cause-effect links between small gestures and big consequences on the scene, this work created by the Portuguese company Formiga Atómica questions up to which point everyday objects can be responsible for environmental catastrophes. In the show—the first work of a diptych that aims to reflect about the state of the world—, a boy who daily consumes and disposes of many things receives an unexpected invitation. He then goes on a journey through a world that was invisible to his eyes, marked by the climate crisis. In a disarranged universe, one has to look into the past and the clock, which is always ticking.

Session of 7.9 with accessible structure for people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  

Formiga Atómica is a theater company established and directed by Miguel Fragata and Inês Barahona. Dedicated to all audiences, their creations draw from contemporary issues and are born from processes of artistic investigation. The group performs in Portugal and abroad with works including A Caminhada Dos Elefantes [The Elephant Walk] (2013), The Wall (2015), A Visita Escocesa [The Scottish Visitor] (2016), Do Bosque Para O Mundo [From The Woods And Into The World] (2016), Montanha-russa [Roller Coaster] (2018), Fake (2020), O Estado Do Mundo (Quando Acordas) [The State Of The World (When You Wake Up)] (2021), and Má Educação [Bad Education] (2022). 

Staging: Miguel Fragata
Text: Inês Barahona e Miguel Fragata
Interpretation: Edi Gaspar
Set design: Eric da Costa
Costumes: José António Tenente
Original score: Fernando Mota
Light design: José Álvaro Correia
Video: João Gambino
Props: Eric da Costa, José Pedro Sousa, Mariana Fonseca and Rita Vieira (graphic design)
Maker: Guilherme Martins
Set construction: Gate7
Technical director: Renato Marinho
Consultant: Henrique Frazão
Executive producers: Luna Rebelo and Ana Lobato
Production: Formiga Atómica
Production in Brasil: Sendero Cultural | Adryela Rodrigues
Assistant producer in Brazil: Robson Emílio
Legal advisors in Brasil: Carnide, Rodrigues and Souza Sociedade de Advogados
Coproduction: LU.CA – Teatro Luís de Camões, Comédias do Minho, Materiais Diversos and Théâtre de la Ville  

Formiga Atómica is a structured supported by Ministério da Cultura | Direção-Geral das Artes |

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