Foto: Sander Newton
Foto: Sander Newton

Vila Socó (BRA)

Coletivo 302

MIRADA - Festival Ibero-americano de Artes Cênicas


Duration: 180 minutes


in-person activity


Place: Meeting point: Praça da Cidadania, s/n - Vila São José (Av. Tancredo Neves, 552)

This show will take place moving around different locations.

Date and time

From 10/09 to 12/09

Tuesday to Thursday

5:30 p.m. 180’ (with an interval of 20’)

Foto: Sander Newton
Foto: Sander Newton

Vila Socó

Forty years ago, a fuel leak caused a fire in Vila Socó, an old neighborhood of stilt houses in Cubatão built on mangroves and oil pipes. The story of this industrial tragedy—one of the biggest ever recorded in the country—is the starting point for the new show by Coletivo 302, which looked into archive files and interviews with people from the community during their creative process. As the final part of the Zanzalá trilogy, which looks back on narratives about three working-class neighborhoods in the city, this show takes the public around the streets and memories of the village, now called São José. By diving into its cracks and alleys, the audience watches a kid trying to find his family again through the traces of mud, quicklime, and time.

This show will take place moving around different locations.

To book your free ticket and transportation from Sesc Santos, visit the Credencial Sesc SP app and Limited places. 

The duration of this show is 180 minutes, with an interval of 20 minutes.

Coletivo 302 is an art and research group from Cubatão acknowledged as a point of reference in terms of memory, a cultural center, and a space serving the public interest in the city. Established in 2014, it won the shell theater award in 2023 in the category Energia Que Vem Da Gente [Energy that Comes from People]. Its research features the appreciation of the memory, identity, sense of belonging, and ancestry of its territory and aims to give new meaning to its imaginaries. 

Direction and staging: Douglas Lima
Co-playwright: Lucas Moura and Coletivo 302
Dramaturgy: Sander Newton
Musical direction and production: Marcozi dos Santos
Research and acting: Alisse Flora, Allana Santos, Douglas Lima, Lípari, Sander Newton and Sandy Andrade
Guest cast: Jùpïrã Transeunte, Lourimar Vieira, Lucas Pereira, Luiz Guilherme, Nicca Oliveira and Rafael Almeida
Musicians: Jojo, Maynard, Marcozi dos Santos and Will
Stage technicians: Batman, Giovana Oliveira, Klebson Oliveira and Maysa Juvino
Singing and vocal preparation: Douglas Lima
Choral singing guidance: Nailse Machado
Body training: Tay O’hanna
Musical training: Luiz Guilherme and Marcozi dos Santos
Songwriters: Marcozi dos Santos, Sander Newton and Tay O’hanna
Sound technician: Diego Kaos
Light technician: Nanyh Montingeli
Costume design: Kadu Veríssimo
Assistant costume designer: Sandy Andrade
Seamstress: Amélia Maria
Set design: Douglas Lima
Light design: Juliana Sousa and Lípari
Theater technicians: Buru, Josué Salvino and Mauro Fecco
Production direction: Alisse Flora
Production: Allana Santos and Maysa Juvino
Production  assistant: Julia Victor
Executive production: Sander Newton and Sandy Andrade
Media: Allana Santos
Press: Allan Nóbrega
Designer: Caíque Unger
Photos: Sander Newton
Conception: Coletivo 302
Support: Galpão Cultural Cubatão | @coletivo302

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