Onisajé e Lucelia Sergio.
Onisajé e Lucelia Sergio.

Creative Meetings – Onisajé and Lucelia Sergio

Workshop with Onisajé and Lucelia Sergio

MIRADA - Festival Ibero-americano de Artes Cênicas



in-person activity


Place: Sesc Santos

Date and time

From 09/09 to 11/09

Monday to Wednesday

2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Onisajé e Lucelia Sergio.
Onisajé e Lucelia Sergio.

During these meetings, the researchers from Bahia and São Paulo will explore practical proposals for scenic creation drawing from the philosophical and performative body of the cultural wisdom of terreiros (places of worship in African-Brazilian religions) and the contemporary techniques of Black Theater. The idea is to provide theater artists who have a background in acting or playwriting with an immersion and awaken the state of creation and authoriality among participants. 

Apply by submitting a letter of interest + presentation (with no more than 2,000 characters) to formativas.mirada@sescsp.org.br from August 21st to September 9th.

Onisajé is a theater director, playwright, scriptwriter, curator, and actors’ trainer and coach. She holds a master’s and doctoral degree in performing arts from the PPGAC/UFBA and is the yakekerê (second high priestess) of Ilê Axé Oyá L’adê Inan from Alagoinhas. She has coauthored and directed plays including Siré Obá, a festa do Rei; Exu, a Boca do Universo, and 12 Anos ou a Memória da queda. She directed Traga-me a cabeça de Lima Barreto and Black Skin, White Masks, and she was a substitute professor at the UFBA Theater School. She is a member of the Research Group PÉ NA CENA-CNPq and has published several articles about Black theater in specialized publications. 

Lucelia Sergio is an actress, director, playwright, art critic, and a cofounder of the company Os Crespos. She has a degree from the School of Dramatic Art (DL/ECA-USP) and she writes for and is a member of the curatorial group of the Black theater magazine Legítima Defesa. Her work in theater includes shows like Navalha na Carne Negra, for which she was nominated for the APCA Best Actress Award. She has worked with directors including Frank Castorf (Germany), Paulo Faria, Dagoberto Feliz, and Ariela Goldman. With Os Crespos, she has directed the shows Os Coloridos (2015), Engravidei, Pari Cavalos e Aprendi a Voar Sem Asas (2013), and Cartas à Madame Satã ou Me Desespero Sem Notícias Suas (2014). She is currently an actress in the show Holding Hands With My Sister (2023), directed by Aysha Nascimento, for which she did the playwriting and visual direction. 

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