Foto: Noelia Najera
Foto: Noelia Najera

De Mãos Dadas com Minha Irmã (BRA)

Cia Os Crespos

MIRADA - Festival Ibero-americano de Artes Cênicas


Duration: 85 minutes


in-person activity

Place: Ginásio Sesc Santos

Foto: Noelia Najera
Foto: Noelia Najera

De Mãos Dadas com Minha Irmã
[Holding Hands With My Sister]

To tell the story of the heroine Obá, who leaves her land with the mission of recovering the memory of her people and saving them from drought, the show combines different techniques and languages. Actress Lucelia Sergio interacts with characters and sets in animated pictures that come up in map projections on the stage, with the soundtrack played live by the African drum band Ilú Obá de Min and narration by Léa Garcia. The plot draws inspiration from African-Brazilian tales and rhythms, especially concepts from Yoruba culture, the Nago peoples, and matriarchal philosophies, to create a parallel between a world ravaged by drought and the underappreciation of women. 

Os Crespos is a Black artists’ collective doing theatrical and audiovisual research. Since 2005, the company has been building its poetic discourse on issues related to Blackness, racism, and identity, promoting conversations, theatrical and film exhibitions, interventions, films, and shows. The collective publishes the Black theater magazine Legítima Defesa and has produced the short films D.O.R. [P.A.I.N.], Nego Tudo [All Black], and Dois Garotos que se Afastaram Demais do Sol [Two Boys Who Move Too Far Away From The Sun]. 

Creation and production: Cia Os Crespos
Direction: Aysha Nascimento
Visual direction: Lucelia Sergio
Musical direction: Beth Beli
Scenic device: Lucelia Sergio and Ramon Zago
Playwright and video script: Lucelia Sergio
Narration: Léa Garcia
Actress: Lucelia Sergio
Dancers: Jazu Weda and Brenda Regio
Live music: Adriana Aragão, Bárbara Magalhanis, Beth Beli, Camila Trindade, Diana Maria, Janaína Cunha, Sandra Regina, Sandra Luciano and Teresa Teles
Off-stage voice cast: Ailton Graça, Ayô Tupinambá, Aysha Nascimento, Alzira Espíndola, Dirce Thomaz, Fabiana Cozza, Flávio Rodrigues, Negra Rosa and Rafael Ferro
Soundtrack: Beth Beli, Dani Nega and Teo Ponciano
Songwriters: Lucelia Sergio and Lenna Bahule
Instruments: Toumani Kouyaté, Matheus Crippa, Ilú Obá de Mim – Adriana Aragão, Nenê Cintra, Adriana Quedas, Mônica Mendes, Talita Beltrame, Thaíssa Barbosa, Giselle de Paula, Ariane Carmo, Bárbara Magalhanis and Diana Maria
Singers: Lenna Bahule, Matheus Crippa, Adriana Moreira, Jéssica Gaspar, Sara Hana, Negra Rosa, Girlei Miranda, Janaína Cunha, Beth Beli, Adriana Aragão and Lucelia Sergio
Sound design: Viviane Barbosa 
Sound capture: Dani Nega, Maurício Caetano, Henrique Leoni and Teo Ponciano
Mixing: Maurício Caetano and André Papi
Lighting: Wagner Pinto 
Lighting assistance: Gabriel Greghi, Felipe Tchaça and Bruna Tovian 
Video characters and sets:  Nirvana Santos, Alexandre Brejão, Ramon Zago and Felipe Domingos
Animation: Ramon Zago, Nirvana Santos and Felipe Domingos
Editing and video operation: Ramon Zago
Art consultancy: Telumi Hellen
Costumes and props: Tairone Porto and Guilherme Santti
Jewelry: Ojire Art, Tairone Porto and Lucelia Sergio
Dressmakers: Diamu Fallow Diop (Mama Nossa Cultura), Larissa Alves, Valéria Zago, Edna Moreira and Enrique Casas
Set design: Wanderley Wagner
Theater technicians: Fernando Zimolo, Joaquim Francisco and Tatiane Peixoto
Make-up: Guilherme Santti and Tasia de Paula
Hair: Jazú Weda
Photo: Isabel Praxedes, Mariana Ser and Tally Campos
Playwright and assistant director – first stage: Willi Versi
Theoretical orientation: Onisajé
Speakers: Katiuscia Ribeiro and Aza Njeri
Choreography and body guidance: Janette Santiago 
Body workshops – first stage: Tainara Cerqueira and Luciane Ramos
Stage support – first stage: Niara Ngozi
Vocal preparation: Raniere Guerra
Sound operation: Mau Caetano
Light operation: Felipe Thaça
Stagehand: Joaquim Francisco
Production management: Rafael Ferro and Lucelia Sergio
Production: Alencar Francisco, Rafael Ferro and Ramon Zago
Designer: Bruno Marcitelli
Press: Pedro Madeira e Rafael Ferro | @oscrespos |

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