Foto: Centro Nacional de las Artes
Foto: Centro Nacional de las Artes

Historia de una Oveja (COL)

Teatro Petra and Centro Nacional de las Artes

MIRADA - Festival Ibero-americano de Artes Cênicas


Duration: 75 minutes


in-person activity

Place: Teatro Brás Cubas

Foto: Centro Nacional de las Artes
Foto: Centro Nacional de las Artes

Historia de una Oveja
[Story Of A Sheep]

A story of forced migration told as a fabled narrative. Berenée, a sweet sheep, witnesses town residents being displaced and is forced to wander around the country. Two characters, marked by displacement, are by her side: Niña Tránsito, whose name conveys her wandering fate, and the Egyptian Ali, who left his homeland fleeing from war. On their aimless journey, the two try to soften the trauma witnessed by Berenée. The sheep sees the journey with apparent innocence, an outlook that is reflected in the set: the victims and everything that is gone are represented by clothes and utensils, allegorical traces of violence and banishment. 

Established in 1985 by Fabio Rubiano O. and Marcela Valencia, Teatro Petra is an award-winning contemporary theater group that has produced more than 30 plays, undertaking tours and taking part in festivals. Their work in Bogota includes training new talent in theater and collaborating with the community.  

Centro Nacional de las Artes Delia Zapata Olivella opened its doors in 2023 in Bogota, hosting an artistic and mediation programming and having an annex structure to Teatro Colón. It is part of the Ministry of Culture of Colombia. 

Cast: Marcela Valencia, Alejandra Chamorro, Julián Román, Derly Neira and Fabio Rubiano O. 
Direction and playwright: Fabio Rubiano O. 
Art direction: Hernán Garía
Lighting and technical direction: Adelio Leiva
Technical sound coordination: Daniela Leiva
Stage direction: Nicolas Bernal Puente 
Executive production: Daniel A. Mikey
Administrative direction: María Tejera
Production in Brazil: Performas Produções 


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