Foto: Ramiro Contreras
Foto: Ramiro Contreras

El Teatro es un Sueño (PER)


MIRADA - Festival Ibero-americano de Artes Cênicas

Dates and times

From 05/09 to 07/09


5 p.m. at Praça Doutor Caio Ribeiro de Moraes e Silva (in front of Sesc Santos)


4 p.m. at Praça Mauá (Santos)


4 p.m. at Emissário Submarino

Foto: Ramiro Contreras
Foto: Ramiro Contreras

El Teatro es un Sueño
[Theater Is a Dream]

A tribute to theater, the show by the group Yuyachkani occupies open spaces, creating a moment of fantasy where everyday life and staged performance are combined. As live music plays, masked figures appear and blend into the audience while they wait for a theatrical performance. But they are soon surprised by the arrival of characters from the anticipated work, who escape from the stage. Inspired by the writing with the same title by the Peruvian poet César Vallejo, included in the essay Notas sobre una Nueva Estética Teatral, the play aims to free theater-making from old conceptual margins, using dream as a metaphor to articulate its dramaturgy. The sessions are the outcome of a production-workshop and include Peruvian and Brazilian artists. 

Yuyachkani is a peruvian group that has been continuously active for 53 years, combining tradition and modernity. Its name in quechua means “I’m thinking,” “I’m remembering.” Its work can be read in parallel with different moments of its country’s social and political reality, in dialogue with different times and proposing critical, nonconformist theater. It is currently acknowledged in the educational field as a center of performing arts research connected to the peruvian and latin american culture. 

Cast: Alejandro Siles, Ana Correa, Augusto Casafranca, Gabriela Paredes, Jorge Baldeón, Juan Guerrero, Junior Béjar, Pedro Mendoza, Ricardo Delgado, Raul Duran, Rebeca Ralli, Silvia Tomotaki and Teresa Ralli
Direction: Miguel Rubio
Deputy director: Milagros Quintana
Yuyachkani production: Socorro Naveda
Technical coordination: Alejandro Siles
Art coordination: Jorge Baldeón
Costume designer: Maximina Vargas
Guest artists: Fab Trindad and Rosana Reátegui  
Guest band: Quizumba Latina 
Musical direction in Brazil: Ugo Castro Alves 
Executive production in Brazil: Gustavo Valezi (Cult_B)  
Production in Brazil: Alice Mogadouro and Giovanna Zottis 
Stage assistance and local production: Criis Almeida and Mariana Procopio 
Adaptation of costumes and props in Brazil: Zizi Lúcio and Norma Lúcio da Rocha
Technical coordinator in Brazil: Eduardo Albergaria 
Technicians in Brazil: Pedro Romão e Henrique Manchuria 
Administrative and financial in Brazil: Giselle Bastos  
Representation and production direction in Brazil: AFLORAR CULTURA | Cynthia Margareth | @yuyachkani

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